Imagining Glenwood’s Future
Last winter, your Board collected input from nearly half of the…
Into the Woods
Veni, Vidi, Goati
Gertie (the goat) has come, has seen, and…
Who’s awesome? Our volunteers!
Special thanks to all the people who came out to help with…
Hi! My name is Gertie. Gertie the goat. Yes, it's true,…
One last pitch…
One last pitch for volunteers for Clean Up Day, which is this…
Pleease.. Clean Up Day Approaches
We really, really, really need your help for clean up day this…
Invoice Oops?
We've been getting reports that quite a few of you did not…
Reminder: Glenwood Needs You!
Happy Spring!
Opening Day 2015 (May 23) is less than six weeks…
Glenwood Needs You!
It won’t be long until the 2015 season is underway. In the…
Cleanup Days: Save the date!
Welcome back for the 59th summer of fun at Glenwood Pool! But,…