Into the Woods


Veni, Vidi, Goati

Gertie (the goat) has come, has seen, and has conquered… to the best of her ability. Now, it’s time for the humans to follow through.

Starting this Thursday and continuing weekly until we’re done we’d like your help cleaning and clearing the area the goats got started for us.

As soon as you can after work until around 8 or 8:30 come and join this noble effort. There will be much socializing amid the work.

You can use your teeth like Gertie, but if you have any of the following it might be a good idea to bring them:

  • Chainsaws
  • Hedge trimmers
  • Large leaf rakes
  • Pruning shears and hand clippers
  • Heavy duty gloves
  • Protection from any poison ivy that Gertie left behind
  • YOURSELF! Everyone is invited: the more there are the sooner we finish.

See you there!

If you have questions contact Goat Herder in Chief Chris Ginter at or ‘Chain Saw’ Dave Coyne at