Invoice Oops?
We’ve been getting reports that quite a few of you did not receive an invoice this year. Not sure exactly what happened; we addressed em, folded em up, postmarked em, and sent em. Our regrets if you didn’t get one.
If you’ve already paid, thank you!
The good news if you haven’t is that you can still pay your dues online. Just log in to using your email address and the password you used last year. (If you don’t remember it you can use the “Forgot password” link, or contact
If you choose to pay by check, you can take the dues amount you find on your account and mail the check made out to “Glenwood Recreation Club” to P.O. Box 2407, Silver Spring, MD 20915.
Dues information can be found HERE.
Contact if you want a copy of the invoice for your records.
Reminder! Late fees kick in May 1st. So get your dues in now!