The Green Monster lives!

We dealt him a great blow last weekend (many thanks to all the people who helped out, may your poison ivy blisters heal fast), but the Green Monster still has a little life yet.

We’re getting together Saturday to slay him once and for all.  We need your help.

The work will focus mostly on the opposite side of the parking lot, where the Monster still has reaching tendrils.  We will clear brush, pull up vines, and finally expose parts of the parking lot that has not seen light of day for some years.

We will also clear in the upper parking lot.

So bring your clippers, chain saws, axes, hoes, backhoes, flamethrowers, but mostly just yourselves, and help us clear this menace.

Official start is 10am, but come anytime, because, let’s face it, the battle against the Weed Forces knows no time!