Glenwood Recreation Club Rules and Regulations
The following are prohibited anywhere on Club grounds:
- Glass
- Smoking and illegal drugs
- Drunken or unruly behavior
- Abusive or disrespectful language
The following are prohibited inside the pool’s fence:
- Unaccompanied children under the age of 10
- Pets, except for service animals
The following are prohibited on the pool deck and in the pools:
- Eating food
- Running, pushing, wrestling, rough housing or undue disturbances
- Spitting, nose blowing and/or discharging of bodily waste
- Wheeled vehicles, with the exception of handicapped apparatus
The following are prohibited in the pools:
- Unaccompanied children under the age of 6
- Non-toilet trained children without tight-fitting waterproof pants and a form-fitting swimsuit.
- Persons having a communicable disease or infection
All Club patrons must check in at the front desk.
- Guests must be checked in by a Member
- Parties of 7 or more guests must be scheduled with a Manager, with at least one week’s prior notice.
The following will be allowed at the discretion of the Manager:
- Inflatable devices, ball playing, closure of the diving well or the addition or removal of a lap lane
The Manager shall have final authority on all matters related to pool operations and the discretion to make an exception to any rule in order to promote the safety and enjoyment of Members and their guests.