Glenwood Gazette – Volume II, Issue 2

The Glenwood Gazette

Volume II, Issue 2

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February 20, 2004


  • Annual Meeting Save the Date Information
  • Renovation Update from the President
  • Swim Team Coaching Staff Renewed for 2004

Annual Meeting Scheduled for March 10

Circle Wednesday, March 10 as the date for the Glenwood Recreation Club, Inc.’
Annual Meeting. The event will take place at Woodlin Elementary School (2101
Luzerne Avenue, Silver Spring), at 7:30 PM. Agenda items include:

  • Renovation Update
  • Financial Report and FY2004 Budget Presentation
  • Election of Officers

All in attendance are eligible for a raffle for a FREE membership for the 2004

Renovation Update from the President

Over the past several weeks, the excavation has been completed and the floor of
the new pool has been poured. Once we get through the current “Arctic Freeze”, the sides
will be poured (actually “sprayed”), and we’ll be able to move forward with the coping
and tiling phases of the project.

The final components of construction will include electrical and plumbing work
and the pouring of the concrete decks around the pool. The last step will be final pool-
side lawn installation and landscaping.

I can continue to report that we are right on target to finish all phases of the
renovation in advance on the 2004 season. You can view a full pictorial chronology of
the entire project since early last fall at

Stop by the pool the next time you have a minute. Then, close your eyes and
begin imagining all the fun we’ll have starting in just a few months. If you have
questions on the renovation’s scope and progress in the coming months, please contact
me at

~Bruce Lupin, Board President

Grounds Update

Grounds update per Durkin
Dates for Spring Clean-Ups, starting April 24
List of jobs to follow.

Events Update

2004 Glenwood Calendar now posted at (verify
through Ed).

Next Issue

  • Annual Meeting Reminder
  • 2004 Membership Campaign Update
  • 2004 GRC Social Event Schedule and Volunteer Sign-Up
  • Dive Team Update