Glenwood Pool NEEDS YOU This Weekend!
Come on down to the Big G this weekend and help us put the pool to bed for the winter months. Starting Saturday at 9:00, we’ll be washing chairs, storing tables, clearing flower beds and planters, scrubbing the appliances — and rewarding a few lucky volunteers with our first-ever clean-up GIFT CARD RAFFLE. Come help us out this weekend and enter your volunteers’ names to win a gift card redeemable at one of our fine local dining establishments.
What can you bring besides your volunteer spirit? Work and/or garden gloves, garden tools (spades, rakes and clippers most welcome), and buckets and brooms would be great. Got an extra garden hose or a super power washer — that’d be great, too!
Mainly, however, we need YOU this Saturday starting at 9 AM. For Sunday, we’re estimating 10-3 depending on how much gets done the day before. Many hands make lighter work AND might get you a free meal. See you at Glenwood!