Imagining Glenwood’s Future
Last winter, your Board collected input from nearly half of the Club’s membership (an incredible response!) via the 2015 Member Survey (click HERE for summary report).
Members offered a broad range of creative ideas and suggestions for pool operations, customer service, and enhanced use of the pool and grounds. We’ve already seen improvements in the Snack Bar menu, and how about those food trucks and extended weekend hours!
The overall survey response indicated a desire to challenge the status quo and discover the true potential of our property. As a first step, we retained the services of Gertie and two dozen of her fellow goats in the weeks leading up to the Opening Day in May, to begin the process of clearing out the northern property.
We next began a series of Thursday night “Real Men of Glenwood” work sessions to finish the work Gertie started, removing enormous amounts of invasive shrubs and vines, clearing out dead wood and trash, etc. Subsequently, we’ll work to sever all vines from tree trunks and thin out the woods by eliminating ‘weed’ and leaning trees. Both of these initiatives will enable our many grand trees to flourish into the future.
You may not realize that we own the woods all the way up the hill, to the backyards of our neighbors on Hayden. See the footprint of our grounds HERE. A significant portion of this property can be developed for recreational use and/or additional seating/dining areas. Rest assured that any future development will be mindful of the importance to all Glenwood members of the beautiful canopy of trees throughout the property.
The next steps are as follows:
July-August: Member Survey – We will seek clarification of preferences regarding recreation options, pool amenities and grounds improvements.
August-September: Charrette Process – Beth Ginter (professional landscape architect and wife of Board VP Chris) will lead a structured visioning process involving two dozen volunteers representing a wide variety of perspectives.
Fall: Engagement of a Master Planning Professional – This resource will develop a long-term vision for the optimal use of Glenwood.
Winter: Business Plan Development – We’ll establish an implementation schedule for facility improvements based on member interest and available resources and share it at the 2016 Annual Meeting.
We will announce the timetable and plans for unveiling the Master Facility Plan in the fall.
If you have questions, comments, or more importantly if you would like to participate in this effort, please email the Master Planners at
P.S. There are approximately two cords of wood that is cut and stacked outside the fence. It is free for the carrying/taking. Please see the manager on duty if you need to borrow the Pool’s wheel barrow for transport to your vehicle.