This Week at Glenwood – August 28
Don’t put the pool and picnic gear away yet — there are still a few more days left! Here’s what coming up this (last) week at Glenwood…
New Pool Hours Rest of this Week: Return to Afterschool Schedule. Pool opens at 3 pm, closing at 8 pm thru Thursday night. Labor Day weekend hours are Friday 3-10 pm, Sat/Sun 10 am to 10 pm, and Monday 10 am to 8 pm.
PLEASE, please, please be careful in the parking lot, especially between 3:30-4:15. That’s when our neighbor Flora Singer Elementary School has pedestrians coming and going through our property. We will restrict vehicle access in the main lot to pool users only, but there are lots of unattended kids running around at FSES dismissal time. Drive extra slowly in and around the Glenwood lot.
Saturday, September 3, 7:30/sunset: Movie Night at the Pool, featuring the original Ghostbusters, $2/person or $5/family. Thank you, Megan Carnell and Jamie Donnelly for making these very popular events happen:)
And our super snackbar volunteers will be grilling hot dogs and have movie box candy for sale — thank you, Ramona and Gina!
Also, we’ll have the contents of the Lost & Found shelves out on tables near the bathhouses on Saturday. PLEASE come & retrieve your belongings. Anything left over after 8 pm Monday will be donated or pitched.
Cornhole Enthusiasts Out There? Connecticut Belair Pool is hosting the first Kensington-Wheaton Area Cornhole Championship Invitational (KWACCI) tournament this Saturday at noon. If you’re interested in representing the Big G at this inaugural event, contact Chris Yankowski or Erin Lane for details regarding the qualifier meet this Friday.
SAVE THE DATES — September 17-18: Glenwood Pool Clean-up. We will need you to help put the pool to bed for the off-season (we won’t say the name of what comes between fall and spring). More info to come, but please put it on the calendar to help us out for a few hours.
Too verklemmt to continue writing about the end of the season. Just come and soak up the last hours of pool time!
See you at the pool!